
the city I once lived in...

Located in the Saguaro Forest in Phoenix Arizona.

Designed by architect David Hovey and developed by Optima, this home (as well as the many others developed by Hovey) are some of the most amazing low lying, mountain perched, raw material, surround engulfing structures I have ever laid eyes on.

That was a mouthful.

Fortunately I have been able to view some of Hoveys work up close, but unfortunately I am not the most articulate of architectural critics.
However, I will say that I truly appreciate the way Hovey makes such a beautiful connection between the outside and the inside of a structure. The broad expanses of glass and methodically placed fenestration make you feel like you are outdoors when you are really not at all…

And the raised dining area on this building is so incredible to me.

I have learned that the desert can at first appear lifeless, but produces some of the most vibrant colours in its sunsets, and holds a unique and special feeling when you are open to discovering it…

….So much more than the cowboys and beans and toast than I imagined before I did a bit of living there.

I am so inspired and excited by the way Hovey respects and works with the land on which he develops, instead of just placing a mass of building materials on a beautiful piece of land.

On rainy days like today, I take a moment to remember my desert filled life and my beautiful friends that I have left behind, but will always keep with me.

Oh, and suggest that you consider a warm sunny holiday there!
(images via optima)

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